
3rd-party Cookies & IDFAs Out, CDPs on Rise

As marketing with third-party cookies and IDFAs declines due to recent announcements by Google and Apple, new survey research by Ad Perceptions reveals that marketers are turning to Customer Data Platforms (CDPs) and to greater use of first-party data to make targeted, personalized appeals and to craft high-quality, profitable, tailored customer experiences (personalized CX). The report also covers other aspects and strategies of marketing in a cookieless world.


Treasure Data Expands Global SCA with AWS

Global SCA Expansion between Treasure Data and AWS Helps Companies Accelerate Digital Transformation & Deliver Connected Customer Experiences


Journey Orchestration

Learn how you can use Treasure Data Journey Orchestration to identify patterns and trends in customer behavior, make data-driven decisions, and optimize the customer experience.


The State of Customer Journey Management Interactive Report

New research on customer journey management reveals businesses devote top talent and technology to improve the customer journey but challenges remain.


Efficient Businesses Run on Data

Futurum Research explores how Treasure Data helps brands use data efficiently.


How U.S. Soccer Drove Awareness for World Cup 2022 Using Braze and Treasure Data

How U.S. Soccer Drove Awareness for World Cup 2022 Using Braze and Treasure Data


Understanding the Customer Journey Toward Brand Loyalty

CDP helps brands understand the customer journey and align the right brand actions to build customer loyalty.


Data Security and Privacy: A Complete Guide

Treasure Data helps businesses take control of their data security and privacy to maintain compliance with increasingly complex regulations.


Customer Data in Action

Learn how Treasure Data can help you use customer data for insights, targeting, personalization, and retention to improve customer experience and drive revenue.


How To Leverage Customer Journey-based Advertising

Brands can use Treasure Data's CDP to leverage customer journey-based advertising to fine-tune targeting, boost ROI, and cut costs.


No Longer a Luxury: CDPs Become a Staple of Martech, Providing Flexibility and Value Beyond Foundational Use Case

New survey showcases CDPs’ maturation from powerful tool to critical solution, with spotlight on value, flexibility, data security, and privacy compliance.


Leveraging Customer Experience Initiatives To Boost the Bottom Line

A CDP can fuel your brand's customer experience initiatives with a rich customer data foundation and actionable insights.