Treasure Data

Tactics to Increase Customer Engagement and ROI with CDP


Start at 13:00 IST- 14.00 IST

August 30, 2023

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Treasure Data

Featured Speaker

Sean Valencia

Marketing Manager, APAC, Treasure Data

Tactics to Increase Customer Engagement and ROI with CDP

Consumer habits and preferences are constantly changing and for business leaders to thrive they must bridge those gaps and deliver a connected customer experience. But as the number of channels modern customers use continues to increase, meeting your goals becomes harder and harder. To enhance the customer experience, business leaders are embracing new technology to deliver seamless, relevant, and personalised marketing experiences for customers across every channel.

Join us as we explore trends in digital transformation and why more businesses are choosing CDP to drive new customer experiences.

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Discussion Topics

  • How to maximise digital marketing campaign ROI and CLV
  • Tactics to provide innovative, personalized customer experiences
  • Real CDP Case Studies

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