Global Pharmaceutical Company Maximizes Customer Lifetime Value

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Key use cases
  • Email activation
  • Maximize LTV of top customers
  • Enhance sales automation
  • Global data security and privacy compliance
increase in email re-engagement rates
personalized recommendations for 2K sales reps
healthcare professionals engaged by sales reps
Executive summary

The pharmaceutical products division of a global leader in the healthcare industry needed to improve the performance of cost-effective digital channels like email and websites. To achieve this goal, they deployed Treasure Data Customer Data Platform. With the ability to create unified customer profiles, the company was able to segment, personalize, and optimize the timing of email customer communications, resulting in 36% re-engagement rates and a 22% increase in email open rates.


To optimize incremental revenue, the life science company’s sales reps needed to have personalized email and web marketing customer communications. However, the company’s existing systems were costly, inflexible, and had capacity limitations. They lacked standardized capabilities around data-enabled marketing automation and activation, as well as enterprise-level data security and compliance.


The company realized it needed a customer data platform (CDP) that could provide data unification and ID resolution to enable a 360-degree customer profile. Treasure Data CDP enabled the company to create a unified database of all healthcare professionals’ data with the appropriate security in place.

  • Boosted marketing ROI by improving the performance of cost-effective digital channels like email and website
  • Optimized engagement by orchestrating a scalable model to push out topic recommendations to sales reps
  • Maintained accurate privacy preferences and secured PII data

Since deploying Treasure Data CDP to unify all customer data, perform ID resolution, and integrate with marketing automation and recommendation engine technologies, the company has seen strong results:

  • Optimized engagement by orchestrating a scalable model to push out topic recommendations to sales reps for each pharmaceutical brand based on each rep’s individual cycles
  • Maximized LTV of buyers by automating notifications to sales reps to follow up with healthcare professionals
  • Improved marketing ROI by identifying what content healthcare professionals were engaging with most to reallocate and invest more in content with the highest engagement
  • Ensured all data privacy and contact preferences were kept up to date and PII data was secured and only accessible by the appropriate security measures
  • Sales rep emails that included personalized topic recommendations achieved an average open rate of 36% in contrast to a 3% average open rate of non-personalized emails

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