Segment Enterprise Data Connector

Crunch Your Numbers With Segment

Analyze, transform and maximize your Segment data with Treasure Data’s powerful Customer Data Platform.

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Turn Segment Data into Results

Streamline your cloud data with Segment. Segment pulls data from multiple different streams, including mobile devices, web interactions and the cloud, to give you a centralized view of all of your marketing data. It is like a giant magnifying glass on your customers, all in one place and all in one format.

When you transform multiple data streams into the Segment data format, the efficiency gains alone will help keep your operation running lean and effectively. Then capitalize on that by integrating Segment with Treasure Data.

Treasure Data combines the centralized accessibility of Segment with a low latency, versatile platform that will let you take that data and pull out powerful business analytics to suit your company’s needs. Optimize your data management no matter what device your users are on, improve CRM results and maximize the gains with always-fresh product analysis. It is the best case scenario for your data.


Use Cases

Minimal Transformations
Pull your data from one source and allow your Treasure Data install to run jobs without having to translate individual data sets.

Data Warehouse Management
Keep your data management simple with a cloud data warehouse managed by Treasure Data’s team of experts.

Wide Reach
Pull your data from a wide range of marketing analytics tools and customer-facing data sources to get the best possible picture of your users.

Combine and Monetize Your Data

Segment + Sales

Let your sales team see their full spectrum of available data. Thanks to Segment’s data in Treasure Data’s cloud, they’ll have access to everything, no matter how granular.

• • •

With a Segment integration in Treasure Data, your sales team will be able to track tags, advertising data and more with ease.

Segment + SQL

Analyze your events with a powerful, SQL-based platform. Transform data, sort it, customize your queries and build data sets as the real time events stream in.

• • •

It is just that good. Let your people make the most of their data, all of it, with Treasure Data’s platform.

Segment + Efficiency

Build your data warehouse out of a single format. By integrating Segment into Treasure Data, you can create a centralized, always-on source to access your data in one clean, readable format.

• • •

Real time access to your data is not just great, sometimes it is essential. With Treasure Data’s platform and Segment’s single-format data structure, that is easier than ever.

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How it Works



Enable the Segment Data Connector with a simple, 3 minute setup.


Unify and Analyze

Analyze your Segment data beyond what’s possible in Segment reporting with a few lines of SQL.

Put everything together with easy visualization tools like Chartio or access your raw events with SQL.

How it Works



Use Treasure Workflow to automate your analysis, save time and minimize errors. No more Excel work on Sunday before the Monday team meeting.

Available Segment Data


Standard Segment Objects: Any standard Segment object, including bounce rates, customer reports, click-throughs and hits.


Segment Custom Objects: Create a wide range of custom objects, including tag trackers, customer identification fields and more.

Talk with our experts

We understand that no two companies operate alike. Our professional services team can help you configure a self-managed solution that meets your budget. Our highly attentive technical support staff is always on hand whenever you need assistance.

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Google Tag Manager Data Connector

Make it Simple to Centralize all Your Tag Management Data

Simplify the task of tag management by integrating Treasure Data and Google Tag Manager, ensuring all your data is aggregated into a single place.

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Manage All Tag Data in One Place

Add new tags from one centralized location and start tracking user behavior more quickly. Want to track third-party tags? That is no longer a daydream. In just a few clicks, all your tag management data can flow to a single source of truth.

Your tags offer valuable insight into your customers’ behavior, but before the integration of Treasure Data and Google Tag Manager, collecting all of that rich data could be an onerous task. Now, at a glance, you can tell whether customers love what you are doing on your digital property or if they are unimpressed. Managing those tags is crucial to making the right marketing decisions. Google Tag Manager is one of the top tag management tools available, and its integration with Treasure Data makes it even more powerful.

Unify your data on a single platform with Treasure Data. With what result? Everything you need is just a click away.


Use Cases

Add New Tags
Quickly add new tags and begin tracking customer behavior across multiple digital properties right away.

Launch New Tags
Launch new tags with a few simple clicks to see what your customers are doing online.

Manage All the Data
Track third-party tags easily via Treasure Data’s Customer Data Platform, ensuring that you have all the web data your company needs.

Combine and Monetize Your Data

Google Tag Manager + Deep Exploration of Customer Behavior

Track tags better than ever before thanks to the integration between Treasure Data and Google Tag Manager.

• • •

Once you see what your customers are doing, you can make better decisions and boost your profits.

Google Tag Manager + Seize New, Valuable Opportunities

Discern new and lucrative opportunities that are ground-breaking for your business with better insight into customer behaviors and patterns.

• • •

Discover opportunities such as moving into new markets, launching new products and reaching new audiences.

Google Tag Manager + Saving Your Company Money

What if you’re doing something online your customers hate? You’ll find out quickly with tag management.

• • •

Don’t lose (and continue to lose) money taking actions your customers don’t like. Excellent tag management saves you money.

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How it Works



Enable the Google Tag Manager Data Connector with a simple, 3 minute setup.


Unify and Analyze

Analyze your Google Tag Manager data beyond what’s possible in Google Tag Manager reporting with a few lines of SQL. Want to see what your customers are doing quickly and easily? You’ve got it with Treasure Data’s integration with Google Tag Manager. A few clicks is all it takes.

How it Works



Use Treasure Workflow to automate your analysis, save time and minimize errors. You don’t have to hunt for the data you need. It’s all right in front of you in one place.

Available Google Tag Manager Data


Standard Google Tag Objects including: URL variable, cross-domain tracking and page views.


Google Tag Objects including: any custom Google tag data created.

You're in good company

Treasure Data’s solutions are used by 4 of the 5 largest global tech companies with proven scale in managing more than 200 million events per second. These brands are a few of the happy customers who count on our complete and innovative data solutions to grow their business.

Talk with our experts

We understand that no two companies operate alike. Our professional services team can help you configure a self-managed solution that meets your budget. Our highly attentive technical support staff is always on hand whenever you need assistance.

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Apsalar Data Connector

Get mobile app attribution at the granular level

Measure marketing effectiveness across more than 1,000 channels with Apsalar and Treasure Data, giving you actionable insight for mobile app development.

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Leverage the mobile app marketing cloud

Take raw data from mobile app marketing channels and calculate consumer behavior at the micro-level. Track user experience and engagement across all channels to develop a long-term picture of the customer lifecycle.

Use data insight to monetize marketing channels and improve advertising ROI. Extend your reach and influence more quickly and improve app sales. Deploy analytics that measure all data, from any platform, and begin to develop an understanding of consumer behavior that simply isn’t available from any other tool on the market.

Treasure Data extends the functionality of Apsalar by helping marketers gain insight into the people using the mobile apps – not just the overall market segment. You can use this information to upsell existing clients, reengage the uninstalled and bring back cart abandons. Treasure Data and Apsalar will help you better understand mobile app customers and help you engage them at the right time and in the right place.


Use Cases

Eliminate attribution silos
Measure attribution across more than 1,000 channels and then store and analyze the data in one central hub.

Really understand app customers
Track user experience across all channels over the long term, creating a full 360 view of the customer lifecycle.

Increase customer downloads
Use marketing data to reengage customers by improving uninstall and cart abandon rates and increase upsells to improve the numbers.

Combine and Monetize Your Data

Apsalar + Mobile App Insight

Track, analyze, monetize and store mobile app advertising metrics in a centralized hub, creating a single source of truth.

• • •

Measure more than 1,000 channels and then analyze the data to understand and respond to customer patterns.

Apsalar + Understand Raw Data

Use Treasure Data to store raw app metrics and Apsalar to understand it and improve customer response.

• • •

Your database marketing efforts will improve when you fully understand the motivations and behaviors of customers across all channels.

Apsalar + Improve App Engagement

Apsalar and Treasure Data help marketers know what triggers engagement by understanding long-term customer behaviors.

• • •

Re-engage and nurture long term customer relationships with your mobile app by improving your channel-centric marketing and advertising efforts.

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How it Works



Enable the Apsalar Data Connector with a simple, 3 minute setup.


Unify and Analyze

Analyze your Apsalar data beyond what’s possible in Apsalar reporting with a few lines of SQL. Apsalar captures mobile attribution data across 1,000 channels and Treasure Data integrates this information with other data bases, giving you a 360-view of individual customer engagement.

How it Works



Use Treasure workflow to automate your analysis, save time and minimize errors. No more Excel work on Sunday before the Monday team meeting.

Available Apsalar Data


Any Apsalar data including: clicks, leads, open rates, bounces, uninstalls and more.


Apsalar custom objects including: configurable attribution windows for any campaign.

You're in good company

Treasure Data’s solutions are used by 4 of the 5 largest global tech companies with proven scale in managing more than 200 million events per second. These brands are a few of the happy customers who count on our complete and innovative data solutions to grow their business.

Talk with our experts

We understand that no two companies operate alike. Our professional services team can help you configure a self-managed solution that meets your budget. Our highly attentive technical support staff is always on hand whenever you need assistance.

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App Annie Data Connector

Integrate App Annie's mobile app analytics with customer data

Meld app analytics with a Customer Data Platform to make proactive decisions with App Annie and Treasure Data.

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Reveal mobile app trends and implement marketing solutions

Access the mobile data you need exactly when and how you need it. Make proactive decisions at each stage of your app lifecycle by centralizing all app data, from UX, advertising metrics, app store usage and more into one place. No more data silos, just one streamlined process that gives you all the analytics you need to make fast, competent business decisions.

Manage your launch and go to market strategies, evaluate your competitors and respond to trends in the global app market. Treasure Data takes App Annie analytics and aggregates and transforms them into insights that build business.

We know the mobile landscape is shifting fast; with the integration of App Annie and Treasure Data, achieve the longevity and marketplace relevance that you want.


Use Cases

Track App User Engagement
Take data silos from Apple or Android app categories, comparing UX across digital applications and markets to spot trends.

Gain Better Insight
Understand the market, your customers, and their app interactions to enable shifts in marketing strategies and better inform product upgrades.

Know Competitor Data
Track competitor data to discern market strategies such as when, where and how their user engagement campaigns are occurring.

Combine and Monetize Your Data

App Annie + Big Picture Data

Consolidate all your app analytics into one big silo, instead of multiple disjointed pieces.

• • •

Get the big picture for all your applications by measuring them against each other – and your competitors.

App Annie + Expanded Reach

Analyze data across a global app market, tracking country metrics, demographics, app store engagement and more to prioritize expansion.
• • •

Interoperable data eliminates silos, helping your determine the next step marketing plans for all your apps.

App Annie + Better UX

Coordinate all user experiences so you will finally be able to understand what app features stand out.

• • •

See how the latest app update resonates in the marketplace by analyzing consumer response from multiple data points.

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How it Works



Enable App Annie Data Connector with a simple, 3 minute setup.


Unify and Analyze

Analyze your App Annie data beyond what’s possible in App Annie reporting with a few lines of SQL.
Take the App Annie data from thousands of apps and analyze it quickly to help you create actionable insight.

How it Works



Use Treasure Workflow to automate your app install tracking. No more spending time on searching for install results – you’ll see them right away and in one place.

Available App Annie Data


Any App Annie data including: Downloads, revenues, usage, demographics and more.


App Annie custom objects including: Configurable attribution windows for any campaign.

You're in good company

Treasure Data’s solutions are used by 4 of the 5 largest global tech companies with proven scale in managing more than 200 million events per second. These brands are a few of the happy customers who count on our complete and innovative data solutions to grow their business.

Talk with our experts

We understand that no two companies operate alike. Our professional services team can help you configure a self-managed solution that meets your budget. Our highly attentive technical support staff is always on hand whenever you need assistance.

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Kochava Data Connector

Harness the Strength of Kochava through Integration

Access data from Kochava to convert and retain mobile app customers while maximizing your ad spend.

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Integrate Kochava Data for Real-Time Updates

Gain raw-data access to live events in Kochava. By integrating with Kochava, you can see app installs and in-app events in real time. And it’s all in one place – you don’t have to spend valuable time or effort hunting for data.

Treasure Data makes it quick and easy to integrate data from Kochava, so you can rapidly analyze it and make better decisions based on accurate, up-to-the-minute information. Enable your sales and marketing users to see whether mobile app ad spend is making the right kind of impact, and if it’s not, you can adjust campaigns on the fly for optimal results. You don’t have to operate “in the dark” – you’ve got the most reliable data possible at your fingertips.

Integrating data from Kochava into a platform that already enables access to cloud, social, IoT and other mobile information creates a single version of truth, saving you time, money and effort.


Use Cases

Track Real-Time App Installs
By integrating with Kochava’s data, you can see app installs in real time, providing insight into your app’s value and popularity.

View Data on In-App Events
Kochava will tell you which in-app events take place as they happen, such as purchases or app uninstalls.

Act Faster for Better Results
With access to real-time data, your sales and marketing teams can tweak app campaigns to improve results quickly.

Combine and Monetize Your Data

Kochava + Analytics

Evaluate your mobile app ad spend with reliable real-time data that gives you insight into customers’ behavior.

• • •

Analytics help you make the best decisions about how to connect with customers and build long-lasting relationships.

Kochava + Granular Data

Kochava provides insight into what advertising efforts convert by partner so you can manage your media campaigns more effectively.

• • •

Integrating with Kochava puts all of your data in one place, saving you time, money and effort.

Kochava + Targeting

With granular data, you can better target customers with campaigns that convert and create up-selling opportunities.

• • •

Targeting the right customers at the right time leads to higher conversion rates and a better bottom line.

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How it Works



Enable Kochava Data Connector with a simple, 3 minute setup.


Unify and Analyze

Analyze your Kochava data beyond what’s possible in Kochava reporting with a few lines of SQL.
You can see real-time in-app customer activity as well as the install rate, giving you the data you need to create effective campaigns that make the most of your resources.

How it Works



Use Treasure Workflow to automate your app install tracking. No more spending time on searching for install results – you’ll see them right away and in one place.

Available Kochava Data


Any Amplitude data including: App install and in-app events.


Kochava custom postbacks: These can be created within Kochava to post events to Treasure Data and include new installs, uninstalls, events and more.

You're in good company

Treasure Data’s solutions are used by 4 of the 5 largest global tech companies with proven scale in managing more than 200 million events per second. These brands are a few of the happy customers who count on our complete and innovative data solutions to grow their business.

Talk with our experts

We understand that no two companies operate alike. Our professional services team can help you configure a self-managed solution that meets your budget. Our highly attentive technical support staff is always on hand whenever you need assistance.

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Amplitude Data Connector

Get Instant Business Value with Amplitude

Access Amplitude data directly from Treasure Data to build a better, more profitable product faster.

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Access Product Analytics Data from Amplitude

Harness the power of Amplitude directly from Treasure Data’s platform. After a simple integration, see real-time product analytics about what users are doing in your product and why. With that information, quickly make changes that will improve retention and engagement. Amplitude’s high levels of scalability make not just hundreds but billions of events per month accessible to you.

By integrating Amplitude with Treasure Data, your product team no longer has to hunt for valuable analytics data. Information from Amplitude is in the same place as data from Facebook, Salesforce and other vital sources of business information.

Treasure Data’s integration capabilities enable companies to process massive volumes of data so they can proactively connect with their customers to create an unparalleled experience and thrive in a competitive marketplace. By integrating with Amplitude, you acquire another valuable analytics tool in your toolbox.


Use Cases

Real-Time Product Analytics
Enable product teams to view clear, easy-to-understand charts and dashboards containing real-time data about how users interact with their product.

Track Users across Platforms
Follow the entire customer journey across web and mobile for the fullest picture of user behavior.

Deep Insight into User Behavior
Learn who your users are and whether they find your product valuable so you can improve it.

Combine and Monetize Your Data

Amplitude + Building a Better Product

Gain valuable insight into how users feel about your product, giving you a chance to tweak it.

• • •

Increase customer satisfaction as well as profits by modifying your product as needed.

Amplitude + Increased User Retention

See which user behaviors cause your customers to stick around or leave.

• • •

With that knowledge, take immediate action to fix the issues causing customer churn and boost retention rates.

Amplitude + Better Customer Targeting

Segment users into cohorts to investigate their behavior further for deeper insights into your product.

• • •

Get the story behind the data – see which actions caused spikes or drops in product activity.

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How it Works



Enable Amplitude Data Connector with a simple, 3 minute setup.


Unify and Analyze

Analyze your Amplitude data beyond what’s possible in Amplitude reporting with a few lines of SQL. By integrating Amplitude with Treasure Data, you gain real-time analytics on how customers interact with your product, which you can use to make improvements to it on the fly.

How it Works



Use Treasure Workflow to automate your analysis, save time and minimize errors. No more Excel work on Sunday before the Monday team meeting.

Available Amplitude Data


Any Amplitude data including: User ID, Device ID and more.


Amplitude custom objects including: event IDs, event types, device brand, device manufacturer, device model, device carrier, device type, device family, location, location language, country, language, city, region, IP address, paying customer status and user properties.

You're in good company

Treasure Data’s solutions are used by 4 of the 5 largest global tech companies with proven scale in managing more than 200 million events per second. These brands are a few of the happy customers who count on our complete and innovative data solutions to grow their business.

Talk with our experts

We understand that no two companies operate alike. Our professional services team can help you configure a self-managed solution that meets your budget. Our highly attentive technical support staff is always on hand whenever you need assistance.

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Appsflyer Data Connector

Boost your data-driven ROI with AppsFlyer

Leverage the interoperability between AppsFlyer and Treasure Data to learn more from your raw mobile data.

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Capture, analyze and quantify your data

Connect the mobile attribution and analytics captured in AppsFlyer and your favorite processing and visualization tools with Treasure Data’s customer data platform. Capture attribution across all campaigns, and then push raw data to the Treasure Data hub. Slice and dice mobile data for increased audience engagement. Real-time ROI includes the ability to analyze historical raw user engagement data to implement a more effective ad spend. Connect mobile analytics, SQL database, payment and more with real business intelligence tools.

Machine learning facilitates faster analysis of all the data when you need it most. Analyze marketing data more quickly with our full integration with the tools you need to learn, do and be more. Gain actionable insight into what’s working – and what’s not. Analyze mobile campaign data in virtual real-time and shift campaign messaging to improve outcomes on the fly.


Use Cases

Measure and Analyze of Raw Event Data
Analyze your mobile event data in a single, centralized dashboard by integrating AppsFlyer with all your other customer data.

Achieve Direct SQL Access
Quantify your data any way you like with direct SQL access for ad hoc analysis.

APIs for Easy Integration
With APIs that allow pushback to Treasure Data, optimize analytics by using whatever data visualization tool you want.

Combine and Monetize Your Data

AppsFlyer + Better Integration

Access a centralized data portal that offers your team API integration between all your favorite data tools.

• • •

Interoperability enables a more unified approach, combining insight with action and yielding real ROI for your business.

AppsFlyer + Faster Knowledge

Harness the power of mobile consumer opinion by leveraging raw data in new ways.

• • •

Use robust machine learning integration to slice and dice data faster than ever before.

AppsFlyer + Actionable Insight

Aggregate user experience data faster to make more sense for your campaign.

• • •

Enable a more agile mobile campaign with deeper, faster insights into your mobile raw data.

Schedule Demo

How it Works



Enable Appsflyer Data Connector with a simple, 3 minute setup.


Unify and Analyze

Analyze your AppsFlyer data beyond what’s possible in Appsflyer reporting with a few lines of SQL. Use Treasure Data to unify your analysis of mobile campaign data so that your data keeps working – even when you aren’t.

How it Works



Use Treasure Workflow to automate your analysis, save time and minimize errors. No more Excel work on Sunday before the Monday team meeting.

Available Appsflyer Data


Any Appsflyer data including: Click through, referrer, view-through, media sources, time ranges and more.


Appsflyer custom objects including: Configurable attribution windows for any campaign.

You're in good company

Treasure Data’s solutions are used by 4 of the 5 largest global tech companies with proven scale in managing more than 200 million events per second. These brands are a few of the happy customers who count on our complete and innovative data solutions to grow their business.

Talk with our experts

We understand that no two companies operate alike. Our professional services team can help you configure a self-managed solution that meets your budget. Our highly attentive technical support staff is always on hand whenever you need assistance.

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Adjust Data Connector

Adjust Data Connector

Track and analyze clicks, sessions, installs, or other in-app events in an integrated, customizable platform to reveal mobile viewing habits in real-time.

Schedule Demo

Understand your in-app events

Manage and query your mobile analytics feeds using one platform. The Adjust Data Collector allows you to have not only a configurable, storable connection to all of your in-app data in one view, but also allows for SQL queries on that data. Treasure Data makes it easy to understand your Adjust data, meaning that you can make marketing decisions quickly. An intuitive template, easy-to-configure event linking settings and comprehensive data analytics tools such as table joins make it easy for any employee to uncover new trends and develop insight on your marketing strategy, allowing your company to respond efficiently to consumer behaviors. Simultaneously, you are able to maintain full control of your data by authorizing individual events to be shared with Treasure Data, while keeping others private.

By allowing your developers and executives to “look over the shoulders” of your mobile users, your company is now empowered to judge the effectiveness of marketing strategies, measure click-throughs, installs and more. Determine the attractiveness to users of your campaigns – all in real time and without the need to juggle multiple feeds and multiple windows. Marketers can use the insights gathered from this application to make meaningful, more personalized campaigns, allowing for a proactive response to customers’ demands more quickly. This can lead to improved productivity, happier customers and a stronger bottom line.


Use Cases

Developers can select the in-app events they want to track and create table joins and SQL queries on the fly, allowing for quicker, more meaningful integrations.

Automatic Reporting
Tracks custom in-app events while the app is in operation remotely, quietly and transparently with real-time logging.

Easy Integration
Easy-to-setup event linking and a friendly template system make it simple to get started.

Combine and Monetize Your Data

Adjust + Programming

Integrate a platform that adjusts to your needs and not the other way around.

• • •

You need a solution that will give you the data you want without having to hunt for it through multiple feeds and views.

Adjust + Finance

SQL analytics of raw user data enable simplified event-to-profit calculations.

• • •

Know quickly if your marketing campaign is profitable or not by tracking ad views and clicks, so that you can understand how to change it to make it work even better.

Adjust + Management

Quick view Adjust to in-app events allows for faster insight-making.

• • •

Customizable, one-view analytics on ad strategies saves money, maximizes effectiveness and allows for immediate improvement on the users’ experience.

Schedule Demo

How it Works



Enable Adjust Data Connector with a simple, 3 minute setup.


Unify and Analyze

Analyze your Adjust data beyond what’s possible in Adjust reporting with a few lines of SQL.
Using the business intelligence tool of choice, you can take control of your analytical workflow and know more about your users faster.

How it Works



Use Treasure Workflow to automate your analysis, save time and minimize errors. No more Excel work on Sunday before the Monday team meeting.

Available Adjust Data


Treasure Data uses any Adjust in-app event, including click-throughs, installs, rollovers or sign-ups.


Treasure Data uses any user-defined custom objects or custom fields from Adjust, as well as on-the-fly SQL queries, table joins and historical data.

You're in good company

Treasure Data’s solutions are used by 4 of the 5 largest global tech companies with proven scale in managing more than 200 million events per second. These brands are a few of the happy customers who count on our complete and innovative data solutions to grow their business.

Talk with our experts

We understand that no two companies operate alike. Our professional services team can help you configure a self-managed solution that meets your budget. Our highly attentive technical support staff is always on hand whenever you need assistance.

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Unity Game Engine Data Connector

Unity SDK Data Connector

Automatically receive and store data from programmable events from your mobile apps in an integrated, customizable platform in real-time.

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Gain insight on in-app events

Create trackable events for your mobile apps and receive analytical data feeds from these events automatically using one platform. The Unity SDK Data Connector makes it easy to define in-app events in your mobile deployments, automatically and remotely transmit data from the in-app events, and store and query this data at your convenience. Treasure Data makes it a simpler proposition not only to understand your Unity SDK data, but also to marry it to your other data analytics to make decision-making and insight-development easier. An easy-to-integrate library and function call, a simple dashboard interface, and comprehensive data analytics tools such as customizable SQL queries and table joins make it possible to discover new trends and uncover new insights.

This combination gives you the power to understand how your app is used, as it is being used. It is easy to configure Treasure Data, for example, to track ad revenue by tracking instantiation rates of specific ads or to report the time and location of installs and first-runs. By allowing designers and marketers to select the data they want and have the freedom to present it in the format they need, you are boosting efficiency, improving the customer service experience, and making insight development a quicker, more responsive process.


Use Cases

Events Reporting
Using the provided library, enable automatic remote event reporting with a simple procedure call.

Customizable SQL queries, table joins on the fly and integrations with other data sources combine for the perfect solution.

Easy Integration
Pre-written and well-documented library and procedure code, simplified dashboard and top-quality customer support make it easy to get started.

Combine and Monetize Your Data

Unity SDK + Programming

Remotely monitor your in-app events with minimal need for specialized coding.

• • •

We make it easy to add event reporting to any subroutine, allowing for customizable data feeds from your mobile apps.

Unity SDK + Finance

Understand your ad revenue in a single glance.

• • •

Track instances of in-app ad instantiation and click-through, enabling accurate auditing.

Unity SDK + Marketing

Access app usage analytics for simple maximization of marketing campaigns.

• • •

Using Unity SDK’s robust features library, it is easy to send in-app data feed of usage times, install rates, operating systems and location data, all easily integrated into Treasure Data.

Schedule Demo

How it Works



Enable Unity SDK Data Connector with a simple, 3 minute setup.


Unify and Analyze

Analyze your Unity SDK data beyond what’s possible in Unity alone with a few lines of SQL.

How it Works



Use Treasure Workflow to automate your analysis, save time and minimize errors. No more Excel work on Sunday before the Monday team meeting.

Available Unity SDK Data


Treasure Data can use any Unity SDK transmittable data type (strings, integers, floats, etc.) to represent any programmable event, such as installation, number of times app is “awakened” in a specific time frame, number of ad appearances and average time using app.


Treasure Data can accept any returned data from any Unity SDK subroutine that is transmitted via the provided Treasure Data library to your dashboard, where the data can be interpreted using on-the-fly SQL queries, table joins and more against all historical data.

You're in good company

Treasure Data’s solutions are used by 4 of the 5 largest global tech companies with proven scale in managing more than 200 million events per second. These brands are a few of the happy customers who count on our complete and innovative data solutions to grow their business.

Talk with our experts

We understand that no two companies operate alike. Our professional services team can help you configure a self-managed solution that meets your budget. Our highly attentive technical support staff is always on hand whenever you need assistance.

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Google Analytics Data Connector

Harness More from Google Analytics

Automatically receive and interpret Google Analytics visitor reports in an integrated, customizable platform to reveal audience insights in real-time.

Schedule Demo

Import data from Google Analytics

Automatically download analytical reports into query-ready data using a powerful, centralized platform. The Google Analytics Data Connector allows you to collect Google Analytics data in the background and then efficiently store and query this data at your convenience. Treasure Data makes it a simpler proposition not only to understand your Google Analytics data, but also to marry it to your other data analytics to make decision-making and insight-development easier. A well-documented and simplified integration process, an intuitive configuration template and comprehensive data analytics tools such as customizable SQL queries make all this possible. How is this possible? Simply use the Google Analytics API to enable analytic data synching between Treasure Data and Google and your data will get imported.

When you add in table joins and machine learning, any employee to can now discover new trends and uncover new insights at the customer level. Since personally identifiable information such as email can’t be used on Google Analytics, Treasure Data’s Customer Data Platform is the tool of choice for forward thinking marketers.

By enabling your marketers to know what your web audience is doing via a single, unified view in the Treasure Data platform, you can quickly adapt marketing strategies, redefine or correct page designs, change keywords and influence the user experience on your website – all in real-time and without the need to hunt through multiple reports and windows. Developers can use the insights gained to create more responsive, attractive webpages faster. This allows for improved, proactive customer service.


Use Cases

Automatic Reporting
Use automatic querying and report retrieval with an easy-to-use config file and scheduling system.

Customizable SQL queries, table joins on the fly and integrations with other data sources combine for the perfect solution.

Easy Integration
A friendly template system, well-documented integration system and top-quality customer support make it easy to get started.

Combine and Monetize Your Data

Google Analytics + Social Media

Access social media traffic and keyword analytics to maximize your social strategy. Respond rapidly to breaking trends, improving customer experience at every turn.

• • •

Free your data from the Google Analytics silo via the Analytic API, enabling your team to drive more personalized campaigns than previously possible.

Google Analytics + Attribution

Create meaningful, targeted campaigns based on deep customer insights and what your ROI increase.

• • •

Understand and master your ad revenue with a single view.

Google Analytics + Content Creation

Capture actionable keywords in a simplified searchable view for easy content creation.

• • •

Let your non-technical staff quickly gather essential search information to optimize your SEO website content.

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How it Works



Enable Google Analytics Data Connector with a simple, 3 minute setup.


Unify and Analyze

Analyze your Google Analytics data beyond what’s possible in Google Analytic reporting with a few lines of SQL. Use the business intelligence tool you choose to take control of your analytical workflow and learn more about your users’ preferences and behaviors.

How it Works



Use Treasure Workflow to automate your analysis, save time and minimize errors. No more Excel work on Sunday before the Monday team meeting.

Available Google Analytics Data


Available Google Analytics Objects:  Google Analytics’ reports on repeat visitation, audience location, bounce rate, social media flow, organic search keywords, most visited page on website and other website analytics data types.


Google Analytics Extra Features Features Include: Custom reports from Google Analytics’ on any reportable website visitors’ demographics that, when integrated inside Treasure Data, enable powerful lifetime value reporting and more.

You're in good company

Treasure Data’s solutions are used by 4 of the 5 largest global tech companies with proven scale in managing more than 200 million events per second. These brands are a few of the happy customers who count on our complete and innovative data solutions to grow their business.

Talk with our experts

We understand that no two companies operate alike. Our professional services team can help you configure a self-managed solution that meets your budget. Our highly attentive technical support staff is always on hand whenever you need assistance.

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Tune Data Connector

TUNE Data Connector for Enterprise

Import TUNE data so you can track and analyze clicks, sessions, installs or other in-app events in an integrated, customizable platform.

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Treasure Data and Tune Integration Diagram Example

Gain insight on in-app events

Manage and query your mobile analytics feeds using one platform. This data collector allows you to have not only a configurable, storable connection to all of your in-app data in one view, but also allows for SQL queries for that data. We make it easy to understand your Tune analytics, enabling rapid decision-making and insight-development. An intuitive template, easy-to-configure postback settings, and comprehensive data analytics tools make it easy for marketers to uncover new trends and develop better strategy, enabling you to respond efficiently.

By allowing your developers and executives to “look over the shoulders” of your mobile users easily, we put the power to assess the effectiveness of marketing strategies, measure click-throughs and determine the user attractiveness of your campaigns literally at your fingertips. Marketers can use the insights gathered from this application to make meaningful, more personalized campaigns that respond proactively to customer behaviors and preferences.


Use Cases

Automatic Reporting
Track custom in-app events as they happen quietly and transparently with real-time logging.

Select the in-app events you want to track and create table joins on the fly, allowing for quicker, more meaningful integrations.

Easy Integration
Easy-to-setup postbacks and a friendly template system make it simple to get started.

Combine and Monetize Your Data

Tune + Marketing Analytics

Use a customizable, one-view analytics on campaigns and ad strategies to save money, maximize effectivity and allow for immediate improvement on the users’ experience.

• • •

Get a 360-view of customer data for faster decision-making.

Tune + Accounting

Know quickly if your marketing campaign is profitable and undercover where to make changes when necessary.

• • •

Use SQL analytics of raw user data for simplified event-to-profit calculations.

Tune + Programming

Your time is valuable; you need a solution that will give you the data you want without having to hunt for it through multiple feeds and views.

• • •

Integrate a platform that adjusts to your needs and not the other way around.

Schedule Demo

How it Works



Enable Data Connector with a simple, 3 minute setup.


Unify and Analyze

Analyze your Tune data beyond what’s possible in Tune reporting with a few lines of SQL. Using the business intelligence tool of choice, you can take control of your analytical workflow and know what your users want faster.

How it Works



Use Treasure Workflow to automate your analysis, save time and minimize errors. No more Excel work on Sunday before the Monday team meeting.

Available TUNE Analytics Data


Available TUNE Objects: Any Tune in-app event, including: click-throughs, installs, rollovers or sign-ups.


TUNE Custom Objects: Include: Any customs objects and custom fields from Tune, as well as on-the-fly SQL queries, table joins and historical data.

You're in good company

Treasure Data’s solutions are used by 4 of the 5 largest global tech companies with proven scale in managing more than 200 million events per second. These brands are a few of the happy customers who count on our complete and innovative data solutions to grow their business.

Talk with our experts

We understand that no two companies operate alike. Our professional services team can help you configure a self-managed solution that meets your budget. Our highly attentive technical support staff is always on hand whenever you need assistance.

Consult an Expert

Mixpanel Data Connector

Achieve Analytics Nirvana With Mixpanel

Bring in Mixpanel website and app data, integrate with other data and use the full power of SQL to uncover new opportunities.

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Import data from Mixpanel

View all of your Mixpanel web, mobile, app and other analytics in one place. This analytics data connector allows you to create an instant connection to import all of your historical records. There are three main use cases for setting up the Mixpanel Data Connector from Treasure Data. One, if your business is moving away from Mixpanel, or two, just wants to access the data with industry standard SQL or three, blend the data with other data sources.

Treasure Data makes big data analytics easy to set up with Mixpanel integration. We enable any employee to quickly and easily explore business data. Our Customer Data Platform also integrates from over a hundred different sources. This integration empowers your team to perform more complex queries and ask even more nuanced questions than are possible on Mixpanel alone. When you bring together all of your cloud, social, mobile and IoT data in one platform amazing things happen. We are enabling companies globally to process massive quantities of data, unlock insights, use integrated machine learning and drive their business like never before.


Use Cases

Business Operations
Analyze your sales pipeline in a single, centralized dashboard by combining your Mixpanel data with all other customer data.

Eliminate Data Silos
A single source of truth for prospect and customer data is the foundation for more sophisticated analysis.

Easy Business Intelligence
Easily export data to the business intelligence tools you need, including Chartio, Looker and more.

Integrate and Enrich Your Data


Mixpanel + Data Export

The Mixpanel Data Connector makes it easy for your team to either backup or migrate to a new platform.

• • •

Breaking up and moving on has never been this easy.

Mixpanel + Backups

As easy as backing up your hard drive and at cloud-scale, your product analytics information is safe, secure and ready for integration with other tools.

• • •

With a single point of failure in your data pipeline, business can go sideways without a backup.

Mixpanel + Machine Learning

Machine learning (ML) is built in so you can perform advanced analysis including regression, classification, recommendation and more.

• • •

Don’t get stuck solving today’s problems with yesterday’s tools.

Schedule Demo

How it Works



Enable Data Connector with a simple, 3 minute setup.


Unify and Analyze

Analyze your Mixpanel data beyond what’s possible in Mixpanel reporting with a few lines of SQL. Use visualization tools like Tableau  or your BI tool of choice.

How it Works



Use Treasure Workflow to automate your analysis, save time and minimize errors. No more Excel work on Sunday before the Monday team meeting.

Available Mixpanel Analytics Data


Salesforce Standard Objects: Any Salesforce Standard Objects, including: Account, Lead, Opportunity, Contact, Task.


Salesforce Custom Objects: Including: Contracts, Invoices, Purchase Orders, etc., Standard Objects with Custom Fields, Custom Objects with Custom Fields and more.

You're in good company

Treasure Data’s solutions are used by 4 of the 5 largest global tech companies with proven scale in managing more than 200 million events per second. These brands are a few of the happy customers who count on our complete and innovative data solutions to grow their business.

Talk with our experts

We understand that no two companies operate alike. Our professional services team can help you configure a self-managed solution that meets your budget. Our highly attentive technical support staff is always on hand whenever you need assistance.

Consult an Expert