Treasure Data的客戶使用CDP將行銷投資回報率提高802%


投資CDP帶來的ROI該如何計算?歡迎下載Forrester Consulting Total Economic Impact™ Study1


僅透過基本的人口統計數據已不夠因應行銷上的分析需求,您需要有效地使您手上的服務與工具自動化,並識別出真正會向您購買商品的顧客,並進行交叉與擴大銷售。Forrester Consulting這項研究顯示了,在行銷和銷售表現亮眼的企業發現:顧客數據平台CDP正滿足了此需求。藉由與真實CDP企業用戶對談的研究結果,Forrester說明了這些大型企業因採用CDP而:

  • 860萬美金:因改善受眾設定而帶來的新顧客銷售額
  • 130萬美金:因更精準的分類而產生的大筆金額銷售
  • 350萬美金:能節省下來的行銷活動營運成本
  • 83.8萬美金:優化過的顧客留存所貢獻的價值

1The Total Economic Impact™ Of Treasure Data, an October 2019 commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Treasure Data


Luiz Gama, Senior Global Martech Manager, AB InBev

“Treasure Data is our center of marketing…our key to how we’ll live in a cookieless world, in an even more digital environment, and still connect with our consumers.”

Luiz Gama

Senior Global Martech Manager, AB InBev

Saito Kazutaka, General Manager of Digital Innovation, Subaru

“The volume and variety of data we collect helps Subaru build customer loyalty and distinguish our brand for success in a highly competitive transportation market.”

Saito Kazutaka

General Manager of Digital Innovation, Subaru