
Unlock the power of multichannel journeys with Treasure Data Journey Orchestration

We will show you how Treasure Data Journey Orchestration enables marketing and operations teams to connect customer interactions across multiple channels for personalized and efficient conversion at scale. Learn how you can gain deeper insights into customer needs and behaviors—and see how Treasure Data Journey Orchestration works seamlessly with all your activation tools.

Vinay Pant

“We can get real-time data into our app because of Treasure Data, and link it with customer journeys for personalization. That is something we weren’t able to do before…”

—Vinay Pant, Vice President of Marketing, Maruti Suzuki India Ltd.

Our experts will demonstrate how Treasure Data helps:

Create a single customer view (SCV) of each customer to be leveraged across marketing, sales and customer support

Target precise segments of customers more effectively to stay relevant to improve results

Engage buyers at the right time with personalized messages, offers and recommendations, for more successful campaigns