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Better Decisions: A spotlight on data efficiency

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Effektive Entscheidungen: Dateneffizienz im Fokus

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Better Decisions: A spotlight on data efficiency

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Des décisions éclairées : coup de projecteur sur l’efficacité des données

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Key Findings

Nearly 70% of marketers have faced budget cuts in light of current economic conditions.

Marketers Shift to Cost-Effective Strategies

Inefficient use of customer data is holding businesses back. Marketers aren’t able to get the most out of their data, and it’s causing significant budget wastage. This is money marketers can’t afford to waste, with businesses having to think seriously about how to prioritize spending between departments. Marketers need to find ways to maximize ROI and reduce spend, while continuing to deliver great customer experiences. As budget cuts and other impacts are on the horizon, the need for data optimization should be a priority across the enterprise.


Cost-of-Living Crisis Impacts Consumer Expectations

Consumers are changing their spending patterns too, becoming more mindful of how and where they purchase. Consumers expect brands to be sensitive to their individual situations and tailor their communications accordingly. But with privacy in mind, many aren’t prepared to share their personal data that allows that to happen.

Nearly 75% of U.S. and UK marketers believe their team has customer data inefficiencies or that will hinder their marketing efforts during times of crisis.

Reducing Data Wastage – A Matter of Optimization

Marketers realize high-quality data is critical for success. But, they are also struggling with data inefficiencies that are preventing them from making the most of their budgets, and delivering the best possible customer experience. Poor data quality has a lasting impact for marketers – resulting in disjointed customer experiences, inaccurate targeting, and ultimately, wasted marketing spend.

More than 90% of global marketers say providing a connected customer experience is a top priority over the next 12 months.

Making Sense of Data is Key to Efficiency

Marketers must be efficient and effective with the data they do have to earn their customers’ trust, encourage greater data sharing, and maximize the potential their customer data has to offer. Eliminating data silos, creating a holistic view of internal and external data, and building a clear value exchange with consumers are all great places to start.

More than 90% of global marketers say providing a connected customer experience is a top priority over the next 12 months.

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Better Decisions Report UK

Better Decisions: A spotlight on data efficiency UK Edition

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Effektive Entscheidungen: Dateneffizienz im Fokus Englische Ausgabe

Effektive Entscheidungen: Dateneffizienz im Fokus Deutsche Ausgabe


Better Decisions: A spotlight on data efficiency US Edition

Better Decisions: A spotlight on data efficiency US Edition

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